For the operation of LED strips , which are also used with a special profile , a voltage of 12 or 24V is used, the quality of the lighting system depends on its stability. That is why for their connection and productive work you will need a good and reliable source of direct current, which by its work will transform the alternating current in the power grid into direct current with a low voltage for normal glow of the strips.
How to calculate power?
Power supplies for stable and uninterrupted operation of light sources are selected based on the power of the LEDs and their number. But you do not need to find out the power of each LED, count them, and then calculate the total amount of current consumed by the entire LED strip by multiplying them. It will be much easier to find out the power of one meter of the purchased LED strip in the technical data sheet, and then simply increase the indicator by its total footage. This number will become a guide for choosing the total power of the current converter.
Power reserve for power supply
When calculating the power of the power supply, it is necessary to take into account a certain reserve, and not to buy a device "tight" in terms of power indicators. It is desirable that the nominal power of the converter exceeds the consumed power by 20% - this will become an additional guarantee of uninterrupted and stable operation of the device. If the power is insufficient, there is a high probability that the LEDs will flicker and periodically fade. This will affect both the overall quality of lighting and the service life of the LEDs - flickering and fading due to voltage surges will lead to their accelerated wear.
It is especially important to consider the power reserve if you need to arrange lighting outdoors in conditions of temperature fluctuations throughout the year. In this case, the effective power of the device may change, which will lead to an extra load on it.
There are three main types of current converters for operating LED strips, depending on the housing and purpose:
In a plastic case
It has small parameters, is lightweight and has a large number of holes for normal air exchange with the environment. It is most often used for interior lighting, since its compactness makes it easy to hide from prying eyes. Most power supplies in a regular plastic case have low power, up to 80 watts. This is not always enough to power all the LED strips used for interior lighting.
In an aluminum case
Designed for outdoor use, it features a high level of moisture protection. It is most often used to illuminate street signs, as this power supply in an aluminum case is resistant to snow, fog and rain, and is capable of providing LED strips with a stable source of direct current.
This power supply is not very common due to its open design without a case. It is placed in special compartments together with other technical equipment. A significant advantage is the lower price compared to the two types mentioned above, the unit can be used to unload the main transformer during peak load periods.
Careful selection of the current source will ensure high-quality, long-lasting and uninterrupted operation of the LED strip.
The company "Yuzhny Gorod" is one of the leaders in the field of LED lighting: our range includes many types of LED lamps , lights , modules .